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In August of 1974 , upon taking office , President Gerald Ford , the first & only individual, to assume the Vice Presidency & Presidency , without being elected , said ' Our long national nightmare is over '.

He led a party , whose core was moderate, with an included , Liberal , pragmatic wing , led by his newly appointed Vice President, four times Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller & Classically Conservative faction embodied in US Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona ; who told Nixon to resign.

That Republican Party had the ability to wake up from a nightmare.

Today's Republicans keep the horrors they created going .

Trumpism is national hell , they continue stoking :

Trump , and his extremists will not go away & even if he did , the evolution of that party , from normal political institution, to extremist Cult will march on without him.

Why ? He lost two popular votes & joins only a handful of incumbent Presidents to lose reelection & led their parties to defeat , after defeat!

Its because he SERVED the most extreme, cruel agendas of corruption, greed & retrograde, they seek .

They , long ago gave up on national mandates in the mold of Eisenhower 52 , Nixon 72 , Reagan 80 & 84, Bush 88 : Seeking broad support, compromise & reality of preservation of the system , agree , or disagree , like or dislike the former personalities ....none sought to destroy our system of checks & balances, or peaceful transfer of power.

Today's Republicans , high jacked by the most heinous elements in the United States, seeks power through connivance, conspiracy & threat.

They don't care about popular majority, but seek to empower & entrench themselves, by less then popular votes!

This is disaster & dangerous.

This is worse then authoritarianism, but totalitarianism .

They will never get the message, even in defeat, or stalemate.

They will double down on their agenda of hurting , taking , crushing and hate .

The only way is to vote in huge numbers against them , in ALL elections .Challenge them EVERYWHERE, even in the red of red areas .

As the former Republicans of the artful & bold Lincoln Project have said ,'

Their goal is not reform of the Republican Party, but its DESTRUCTION! '

This can be done & must be done .

Old time Military Science, used the term , ' mobilization ' , in preparing for conflict.

That means ACTIVATING your resources , into full action .

If WE are derelict in duty; Trump & the Republicans long nightmare will send us into hell .

The power is there to take .

Use it , or lose it .

Not fighting old battles , long lost as many Progressives often do ; but concentration of focus on NOW !

The 2023 LOCAL elections are beginning.

These extremists from the , old Dixiecrats, Evangelical Fundamentalist nutcases, to Tea Party began at the smallest of levels.

First Republican County Committees , where they purged the sanest, through the most innocuous of offices .

Councils , school boards, county row offices (everyone of my County's Republican office holders are crazed Fundamentalist Evangelicals! )

Turnout is low & organized .

The road to victory & crushing the Republicans in 24 , goes through 2023 .

Prepare now & contact your local Democratic Party to get involved . Consider running yourself !

Don't let these people win & DESTROY .

Don't fear living in a deep red area .

The key to party building, is RUNNING & not always winning , because in belief & battles of this kind , there is no such thing as defeat , but the essential fight .

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