If this image doesn’t make you nauseous, then you are a nauseating creature. January 20, 2017, became the day our stomachaches began and have continued through the various elections where that Gross Baboon’s presence has stunk up every voting booth.
SIDEBAR: In 2012, I ran a wildly successful blog (those precursors to Substack) where I handed out the annual Gross Baboon of the Year Award, and guess who won?
The fact that we are still bombarded with Trump bullshit on a daily bases through every media outlet in America is beyond a bummer. In fact, it should be illegal. Media outlets should be fined for participating in the propaganda that is no longer coming out of Trump’s nitwit band of thieves but rather from the corporate offices of every television network, newspaper, and social media algorithm. Clickbait uber alles! Yes, I am guilty too, but at least I’ve ALWAYS goofed on him as opposed to the furrowed brows of the bloviators we see too often on cable news. The queen of which is Maggie Haberman of the New York Times. UGH. Go and play with your kids in Brooklyn, lady. I can’t, with her. Sadly, she has hitched her saddle to that windbag, and there’s no end in sight.
Horrendositude aside, I vote to focus these next two years, STARTING NOW, on an aggressive Register to Vote or Die Campaign. Let’s make THAT the story within our communities and social networks. Share this post and this link to VOTE.ORG
In August of 1974 , upon taking office , President Gerald Ford , the first & only individual, to assume the Vice Presidency & Presidency , without being elected , said ' Our long national nightmare is over '.
He led a party , whose core was moderate, with an included , Liberal , pragmatic wing , led by his newly appointed Vice President, four times Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller & Classically Conservative faction embodied in US Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona ; who told Nixon to resign.
That Republican Party had the ability to wake up from a nightmare.
Today's Republicans keep the horrors they created going .
Trumpism is national hell , they continue stoking :
Trump , and his extremists will not go away & even if he did , the evolution of that party , from normal political institution, to extremist Cult will march on without him.
Why ? He lost two popular votes & joins only a handful of incumbent Presidents to lose reelection & led their parties to defeat , after defeat!
Its because he SERVED the most extreme, cruel agendas of corruption, greed & retrograde, they seek .
They , long ago gave up on national mandates in the mold of Eisenhower 52 , Nixon 72 , Reagan 80 & 84, Bush 88 : Seeking broad support, compromise & reality of preservation of the system , agree , or disagree , like or dislike the former personalities ....none sought to destroy our system of checks & balances, or peaceful transfer of power.
Today's Republicans , high jacked by the most heinous elements in the United States, seeks power through connivance, conspiracy & threat.
They don't care about popular majority, but seek to empower & entrench themselves, by less then popular votes!
This is disaster & dangerous.
This is worse then authoritarianism, but totalitarianism .
They will never get the message, even in defeat, or stalemate.
They will double down on their agenda of hurting , taking , crushing and hate .
The only way is to vote in huge numbers against them , in ALL elections .Challenge them EVERYWHERE, even in the red of red areas .
As the former Republicans of the artful & bold Lincoln Project have said ,'
Their goal is not reform of the Republican Party, but its DESTRUCTION! '
This can be done & must be done .
Old time Military Science, used the term , ' mobilization ' , in preparing for conflict.
That means ACTIVATING your resources , into full action .
If WE are derelict in duty; Trump & the Republicans long nightmare will send us into hell .
The power is there to take .
Use it , or lose it .
Not fighting old battles , long lost as many Progressives often do ; but concentration of focus on NOW !
The 2023 LOCAL elections are beginning.
These extremists from the , old Dixiecrats, Evangelical Fundamentalist nutcases, to Tea Party began at the smallest of levels.
First Republican County Committees , where they purged the sanest, through the most innocuous of offices .
Councils , school boards, county row offices (everyone of my County's Republican office holders are crazed Fundamentalist Evangelicals! )
Turnout is low & organized .
The road to victory & crushing the Republicans in 24 , goes through 2023 .
Prepare now & contact your local Democratic Party to get involved . Consider running yourself !
Don't let these people win & DESTROY .
Don't fear living in a deep red area .
The key to party building, is RUNNING & not always winning , because in belief & battles of this kind , there is no such thing as defeat , but the essential fight .