
Touche and that is where we are now and whatever happens, I can assure you one thing, it won't be our blood spilled. these Hamas lovers will end up in the battle royale with MAGA morons. ANd we will sit by nibbling on popcorn. You'll see. Thanks for sharing! BTW #IAmStillWithHer

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Amen, Abe, to everything you said. I hate the first class ass gross baboon too but our problems goes back much further than him. You say what I’ve been saying too, we all know nothing of the situation and even less of the complicated history. Yet our so-called friends on the Left are all of a sudden foreign policy experts. It’s a wonder they don’t have tenured Professorships of Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Like you said, I’m beginning to hate them with a passion. One of them even commented to ne: “You all have blood on your hands.” Sounds like good old Blood Libel to me. And to top it off, these are the mindless idiots that literally brought us president Trump by criticizing HRC right up to election day and then voting for Jill Stein or not voting at all. In reality the blood of women having botched abortions is on their hands. You cannot make this shit up.

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