TikTok is threatening me. Saying that Trump should be in jail violates community guidelines. If I say GOP are evil, I get violations. I haven’t made a video in months, and they were about a cancer journey, not politics, and I am being punished. How do you get away with your posts, and what can I do to keep my account? I am prohibited from even giving my dog an account!
If tRump didn't have the republicans' emails he obtained while getting access to Hillary's, you wouldn't see the slavering taking place. Witness Lady G., who might be an unnamed co-conspirator in GA.
Hear ye hear ye Let it be said far and wide that you sir will be known today and forever as Awesome Abe! Love you
Thanks Greg!!!!
TikTok is threatening me. Saying that Trump should be in jail violates community guidelines. If I say GOP are evil, I get violations. I haven’t made a video in months, and they were about a cancer journey, not politics, and I am being punished. How do you get away with your posts, and what can I do to keep my account? I am prohibited from even giving my dog an account!
If tRump didn't have the republicans' emails he obtained while getting access to Hillary's, you wouldn't see the slavering taking place. Witness Lady G., who might be an unnamed co-conspirator in GA.