
we will all pull together and face the enemy head on.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Won't Be Silent

This is the agenda : The Conservative Culture War on full display.

When organized religion of the Fundamentalist type , begins to lose popularity , it turns to the government to impose it .

" Christianity " , and its multiple forms, never took off , without being promoted , and dictated by power.

It then inevitably splits , and massive unrest ensues : IE The British Civil War of the 1600s.

King Charles The First , of the official state church & Puritanical Fundamentalist.,Evangelicals Fanatic Oliver Cromwell , of its Parliamentary Faction on the other .

This insane event , led to defeat for the King , his execution, and a decade old , Puritanical Fundamentalist Dictatorship, of Cromwell, who imposed extreme Conservative Fundamentalist religion on the state : Christmas Banned , as a " Pagan Holiday ," compulsory church attendance at a state run house of worship, and religious test for everything; including " Gods own Capitalism ".

Any other form of " Christianity " not approved by the Puritans banned & persecuted.

These epic events have often been overlooked in the history of the Western World.

We all know what creeps the Puritans where in the Colonies !

Witch trials , executions , state religious tests in the Colonies they ran , and forget being a native American, or non - religious .You faced annihilation.

The Founding Fathers of the US ,understood this very recent history to them .

They created the Separation Of Church & State to end this nonsense in their new Republic .

When the Evangelicals got into politics & they where ALWAYS there , but took off with TV Preachers in the 1970s , they first railed against the pushing out of religion in the public sphere.

Southern Conservative Democrats IE Joe Manchin still where relevant , and played around with them in the Bybull Belt too.

As their ambitions grew , and big $ got behind them , to spread uber Capitalism at home & war abroad; they became the Republican Party in full & not just the Bible Belt.

Texas today is passing their theocratic agenda totally.

They expect challenges to all of this in the Courts, so they can eventually go to the Trump packed Supreme Court & get it all codified for the nation.

Beware : WARNING & Refrain ; pay ATTENTION: Organize, register and vote in ALL elections, state , and locals.

These extremists gained control of the Republican Party while people slept in communities across the nation.

You must root them out in your own area !

Vote in big numbers EVERYTIME , or lose EVERYTHING nationally.

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This is such an important post! We

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thanks so much!!!!

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I live in Texas & you are SO RIGHT!! It behooves the sh*t out of me why people keep voting these idiots in! 🤬 It’s not just Patrick either. It’s Abbott & Paxton as well!! Great article as usual.🥰

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Sorry! We cannot let these states that want to change our constitution succeed. We must keep religion out of our government. Mr. Ardenz, your reply is so important, so well written, I just want to thank you.

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Separation of church and state. The problem with these so-called alt right fake Christians, is that if they want their kids to pray in school, they are more than free to do So, a teacher, a administrator is not allowed to leave them in prayer. And the first right to the amendment Constitution ensures freedom of religion. This means that the government cannot give special treatment to one religion at the expense of other religions. It also can’t unfairly punish one specific religion.

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