In light at the last 10 days, as the chaos ensues and the fear that's rippling through so many of you, which is why I consistently say, “Please don't let yourself fall prey to fear.” I can't help feeling the same way as when I wrote the last chapter of my book Won't Be Silent - Don't Stop ‘til It Matters. if you hear it now, I’m just going to share the first paragraph because it really speaks to the moment we are in. It's important for me to hear it and see it again and for you to kind of just take a beat and listen.
‘Twas NOT the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a crea- ture was stirring, not even a...
Wait, in fact, it was 3:15 in the morning on March 20, 2020, after Governor Gavin Newsom implemented the COVID-19 lockdown. There was that same ominous feeling of “not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” Actually, all of America wasn’t stirring around that time, except for that heinous piece of shit Donald Trump tweaking and tweeting in the White House on his Adderall concoction, spewing nonsense about shoving bleach up someone’s orifice as a possible remedy for the horrifying pandemic he had ushered into the United States due to his arrogance.
Within the next few days, the world became paralyzed in their homes, afraid to breathe for fear that the deadly virus was going to get us all. In one fell swoop, we held our collective breath, transfixed and terrorized as we were confronted with our mortality. No matter how much money you had, how evolved spiritually you thought you were, no matter what age you happened to be, death was knocking at your door. End times had come, and the only people who felt hopeful were Evangelical Christians because they could finally enjoy the rapture without having to schlep to Bethlehem.
Now, the reason why I feel like this is a kind of moment we are in. It's that same level of fear that a lot of people are experiencing. But don’t you see? We got through all that. Yes it was difficult and this is going to be difficult. I implore you to remember who we are collectively and that we will pass through this because “This too shall pass.” That's the stuff you get through life knowing that you have to just take your life a day at a time. Do your best try to be a good person and stay away from those who will cause harm because they are everywhere.
Find your community. Find those few people who you trust or you care about or who you feel are of like mind. Don't just give it all away because we need every last one of you to hold on tight while we get through this. Because we will, I promise you. That hog won't win in the end. You'll see. And neither will that thing who has all the money and electric cars who he can really go royalty go FXXK himself.
Love, ABE
PS…Please get my book or audiobook.
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