
Let's Help Tamie Wilson "End Jim Jordan"

Watch my interview with Tamie and You'll Want To Join Me In An Effort To Gym Jordan
Support Tamie Wilson 4 Ohio

Please watch my Conversation from the Edge of Democracy with Tamie Wilson who, like me, is hell-bent on taking down Jim Jordan in the 4th District of Ohio.

WHO IS TAMIE WILSON: An accomplished professional, devoted single mother, and proud granddaughter of a WWII veteran, Tamie’s journey is shaped by her strong family values and her commitment to community service.

Born and raised in Ohio, the heartland of America, Tamie has lived through the daily challenges facing her fellow Ohioans, having either experienced them personally or through close connections. Tamie’s background brings a unique perspective to the political arena. She offers a fresh and unifying female voice, advocating for common-sense solutions to core issues often overlooked in Washington.

The campaign I would like to start on social media is “END JIM JORDAN”. Let’s use the hashtag #EndJimJordan in all the videos we do when talking about the importance of Democrats winning in Ohio and taking over the House of Representatives. Go to her website, sign up, and volunteer to help Friend-raise for Tamie.


PS…My new book, Won't Be Silent—Don’t Stop ‘til It Matters,” is out now on Amazon.

“Embracing my superpowers of humor and optimism to survive being a second-generation Holocaust survivor, coming out, addiction, and endless unbelievable obstacles.”