Yes Substack's great (thanks for the reminder that that's where we are :-) ..I temporarily was loose, untethered somewhere in internet space). I just bought (via Kindle) your book. I've got a stack lined up to read but will get to it eventually. I'm curious about what you have to say.

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Thank you so much for the support. Please get in touch with me when you finish because I love engaging and read response. And if any other thing happens in the news, of course I’m always here.

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That's great, Abe. Will do. ---Cynthia

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I have my own opinion and because for no--and hopefully forever--we live in a democracy, we can agree to disagree. I find the progressive extreme willing to foster and fester hate as does the far right. I have moved more to the middle especially since because i am sick of politcal correctness which the far left thrives on. and am happy to be removed from extreme views and intilerance and lack of humor. PS...Covering face and being violent in the name of free palestine is nonsense, and should be illegal like KKK against blacks and Jews. Not sure what religion or color you are but I'd love to know. Peace!

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I understand your move toward the middle and your weariness with political correctness - I'm white, non-practicing Jewish, Buddhist and general skeptic of all religions, longtime "leftie"(just the term dates me as younger than you - I was out protesting in the streets as a young adult when you were rallying your 7th grade pals). These days I feel that impatience with the p.c.-ness too. But I also remember - and see evidence of it here - that wackos and hired provacateurs and headline-hungry media were often the instigators of any destruction in our 60s protests. Cops were often scared and untrained. We all (all sides) did stupid things. It seems like all of that's occurred in ensuing years' progressive actions. Yes, I'm worried now that one of the near-term effects of these protests is to help get Trump elected, to fuel the right wing's withering agenda. And yet, despite that, I know that passion and righteous "stop the slaughter" actions were part of what got us out of Viet Nam, part of what limited some of the US's more nefarious activities since then. I like the conversation I cited because the 2 journalists are actually wrestling with some of these mixed reactions to what's going on, rather than just adding more ranting to the mix.

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As someone who was an assimilated Jew my whole life everything changed when the Nazis were marching in Charlottesville compounded by trump's lame “good people on both sides” idiotic remark. October 7th solidified my commitment to standing up for My Heritage less my religion more of the history of the Jewish people which there is a Gray area as to what even Zionism is which in my life means just to return to Zion where Judaism originated.

Quite frankly if we lose our democracy in November because of these friggin idiots that have been shielding the terrorists that are right here among us at these encampments and marches then I would sooner move to Israel and fight for democracy alongside of them because if we lose it here there's not much left to America but capitalism and bullshit and aspiration. Nothing of interest to me. I'm not sure if you know that I have a book out now I would appreciate it if you check it out.

now my world is all about writing and I can do that anywhere I don't have to sit amongst a Christian nationalist run America by trump as their figurehead when I know they want to take away everyone's rights and freedoms. And that would be only because this youth movement will sit out the election and let trump take power. Scroll down to the reader reviews.


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OK, I understand where you're coming from, Abe (and share some of your views).

No, I didn't know you'd written a book (honestly, I don't remember how I happened to subscribe to your blog (? or whatever-this-is) and I'll definitely check out your book.

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I love this new Substack community and part of and I don’t know how we connected either but I’m glad we did. Because democracy thrives on diversity of thought. Check out the reviews on my book and I hope you would want to buy it too.

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one last thing i forgot to mention why I am so adamant post Charlottesville: my mom survived Dachau Concentration Camp and my dad the gulags in Siberia. I will not live in a fascist country. nighty night

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I sincerely hope that they kick their asses out of school and take away their scholarships.

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Me too three and four

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