i am as baffled as you are. i refuse to be a good boy anymore :)

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Why isn't this person in jail yet!! America certainly won't prosecute any white man!! Look at him and his cronies, plotting and free!! People are becoming more aware of how ridiculous the Republican Party has become. A bunch of privileged people causing chaos in this Country!! They are horrible leaders!! Arrest them all!!

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The republikkkon party will not prosecute there own. Example Nixon, Bush, Jim jordon, Matt gatez, etc,etc. That would mean they would have to a admit they are guilty. The party of, do as we say, not as we do! This republikkkon party is the new nazi party of the 1930/1940’s. The republikkkon party is all about money , power, and gerrymandering. They really do not give a flying fuck about we the people, democracy, or the Constitution.

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I agree with you 100%. did you see my tiktok about about amerikkka?


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