"You Catch More Bees With Honey" - My Mom
I Guess These Violent Protesters In Chicago Didn't Have Good Parents
Not sure what happened to America’s dictum, “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.” Seems like that’s exactly what we have been doing in the Middle East, dilly dallying with Hamas and assorted Iranian Nazi-types. Not to mention what’s going on here in the United States. Terrorists—face-covered, no less—have been on display at countless university campuses, city streets, highways, bridges, airports, the list is endless. Even our bedroom communities are proving to be unsafe these days as long as violent, antisemitic wanna-be protesters are flocking like crows to cause harm and incite violence. ALL IN THE NAME OF PEACE? Please. What a load of hogwash!
We now know Hamas and several clandestine Qatari government “charities”—to use a term loosely—are the “evildoers” who are funding these various encampments at the universities and MAGA-like rallies to “Free Free Palestine”. That expression actually doesn’t even make sense. They should finish the sentence…FROM HAMAS! Because they are who the Palestinians need to be freed from. The toxic grip that the Hamasites have on their sad, traumatized people is the real catastrophe here.
When you start a government with a philosophy of hate, don’t expect to win in the long run. Just ask the many empires that have risen and fallen over the millennia, especially in the region where y’all crowned yourselves queens. Yes, I said, queens. Why else do they cover their women from head to toe and restrict them to the home to spit out countless babies in order to build their psychotic army. Sounds like Fire Island Pines, sans glamour and bitchy queens, and less nude. Seriously though, these radicalized Islamic Hamasexuals are sooo evil.
Hamas has hoodwinked and propagandized the minds of millions of uneducated, poor, people. Sound familiar? Have I got a MAGA base for you. Sadly, the Hamasitic toxic brew has spilled onto the hearts and minds of American universities’ helicoptered, suburban brats—even some Jews. I like to classify that crop of morons as self-hating Jews, along the lines of Kapos. You know, those Nazi sympathizer slaves, many who were slaughtered after they were no longer of use to the Third Reich!
On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, the schmatta-covered storm troopers have arrived in full regalia. This time using language that will surely bite them in the ass. So poorly raised these creatures. Animals in the wild have better, smarter strategies to survive.
Disrespectfully calling our lovely Vice President, Kamala Harris names like ‘Killer Kamala’, ‘Token Pick-Me’, and ‘Bomb-ala’ ain’t no way to make friends in high places nor endear yourself to—well—ALL OF US DEMOCRATS! These yuckle-heads are vowing to vote for Dr. Natasha ‘Jill’ Badenov Stein if Kamala doesn’t kneel to their demands to stop funding Israel. Excuse me? Get bent and worse. These Kool-Aid addicted, brain-washed, masked marauders aren’t Independents. They’re schmucks…and Meeskites galore!
Besides, have you seen the latest kerfuffle erupting on social media? The black community has just about had enough of the Free Free stench for calling out black women who are supporting Kamala, insisting that they—this is not a joke—NOT vote for Kamala? I mean talk about sheer stupidity. And let’s call it what it is—RACIST. They hate Jews and have moved on to insulting a community that has stood by their side these past months. I could have told y’all they were using you. Oh, wait. I did. But, what do I know, besides a lot.
The Free Frees have no excuse for this level of stupidity. To be so uncalculating and clueless is mind boggling. I wish I could say how I really feel about these gross, antisemitic ignoramuses. But, alas, we are still in ‘politically correct land’, and Lord knows, I don’t want to get cancelled. Bedsides, I haven’t sold enough books yet.
So…ignore the idiots, enjoy the DNC speeches this week, and buy my book, PLEASE!
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