Did you catch the breaking news when Tucker Carlson invited Vivek Ramaswamy, a man few have heard of outside his immediate family, to announce that he was running for President of the United States? As a Republican, no less. Ya think Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump started quaking in their boots? Ya think Nikki Haley had a conniption that she was no longer the token brown person throwing their hat in the ring? Or shall I say, wasting their time throwing….
Surely Joe Biden was not quaking in his loafers when Marianne Williamson took that giant step for womankind by announcing that she was going to AGAIN run for the top spot against the oldest and otherwise most effective American president since World War II. “Girl, you’re gonna need to take all of those Courses in Miracles to even get your name on the ballot in one of the Dakotas.”
To quote Carrie Fisher from “Postcards From The Edge” when Meryl Streep’s character responds to Shirley MacLaine saying, “Who would you rather have as your mother, Lana Turner or Joan Crawford,” and Meryl says, “These are the options?”
Not that Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) or Ro Khanna (D-California), who are both threatening to shake things up, won’t cause much of a stir once they announce their losing propositions. All these random celebutards think too highly of themselves, and or they want to sell more books and fundraise to pay for their second homes.
Other morons that plan to darken our doorways are Mike Pence, who is lucky to be alive, yet he plans to go toe to toe with the man who called for his execution. Chris Sununu (R-New Hampshire), what else is new-new? Mike Pompeo has as much of a chance as I do. John Bolton hasn’t met a war he didn’t love and is secretly hoping for World War III to start so he can say, “I’m the best war monger to lead us to victory.” And there’s Christine Powers, who also has no chance but is as sweet as she can be.
I don't have much of it, but my money is on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the win. Any democrat that goes against this duo is a lowlife and needs to move to Russia. I said what I said.
Abe - Won’t Be Silent