This is the kind of rhetoric we can expect between now and election day. Trump and his minions have decided to go full monty in the '“say anything” to maintain the top story, at whatever cost, even to the safety of fellow Americans. This has always been his strategy. Only now, he has people like Elon Musk and other heinous henchmen helping him drive us down the road of no return. This blatant heresy is what started War War II.
“My parents did not survive the Holocaust for me to live in a fascist country.” I’ve said those exact words countless times on Instagram and TikTok and it has fallen on deaf ear. Jewish deaf ears, in particular. I’m so disappointed in the many rich Jews, people I know, who are supporting Trump. Their excuse is, “He will be better for Israel”, yet, I am still not convinced. His relationships with antisemites like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong potentially spoil any hopes for a safer Israel in the long run.
And spare me to loose lip threats to deport millions of illegals, and reinstating a Muslim ban—which didn’t work last time around—and sending the Muslim students on campuses with Visas back to their countries sound like a lot of talk. He’s the original bloviator, after all. He’s too busy taking nonsense on the campaign trial to make me think Israel will be all that happy.
His plan is to go so low that Democrats can’t figure out a way to go any lower because we have hit the basement of Hell. He’s not willing to talk about policies that are important to Americans such as healthcare, freedom to choose, gay rights, voting rights, the list is long, the situation bleak. If Kamala can’t pull out a decisive win against the unconscionable crook, we’re screwed. We must shut him down and hopefully put him away forever. Did I say third time’s the charm? No, I’m not like him.
I’d be happy to have Trump held forever in Mar-a-Lardo—no internet—and skip the jail part. The thought of subjecting his Secret Service detail being forced to protect that schmuck—till he croaks—would be a travesty of justice for the wrong people. His security detail would be forced to be imprisoned for a lame reason. Then again, who know, he’s probably corrupted his squad to the point where they might be beyond rehabilitation.
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