Keep America America Again
We Did It In 2020, We'll Do It Again. It's All About Loving Yourself.
Rachel Maddow announced Shephard Fairey’s new visual ad campaign, which is set to launch and designed to save our democracy. So, to honor him and his fellow artists for joining his effort, I decided this is as good a time as any to present my new artwork for Won't Be Silent. The first in a series of new campaign slogans is Keep America America Again. It is a reminder that we did it in 2020, and we can—correction—will do it again! By now, we are accustomed to fighting for the soul of this country.
So now, we must be vigilant and stay focused on keeping what’s left of our democracy alive and thriving and away from the claws of Christian nationalism. When we say Keep America America Again, that means start by confirming that you are registered to vote. Volunteer to get your friends and loved ones registered as well. Check your registration status and share this conversation with your community.
More importantly, it’s time to make a commitment to yourself because voting for your best interests is all about self-love. It’s not just saying that you love your country. It’s all about you and what is important in your heart. If you love yourself enough, you’ll want to Keep America America Again, and you will vote smart, which means for what’s in your own best interests—your rights, freedoms, and hope for a brighter future.
If you haven’t checked out “Won’t’ Be Silent—Don’t Stop ‘til It Matters,” please do.
Aweso;me. Thank you. Be sure to tell me your thoughts xoxo
Buying your book via Kindle on Friday. Excited to read it!!! ❤️