With the 2023 election season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get involved and consider a career in politics.
You can make a difference in your local community or at the state level. Many positions are up for grabs, from city council and school board members to county clerks and other local offices. This is especially true in smaller communities and rural areas, where candidates don’t always come forward.
We are recruiting candidates who are on the right side of history and committed to keeping democracy alive. We can connect you to local grassroots groups to provide advice and support. Organizations like Run for Something and No Dem Left Behind are great resources for those new to political campaigning.
If you’re not ready to run for office yourself, please reach out to your friends and family and encourage them to consider a career in politics.
Abe Won’t Be Silent
Well you have my vote!
I don’t qualify. I don’t lie cheat or steal. I have empathy. I am intolerant of intolerance. I wouldn’t take money from big corporations. I have never been charged with any crime. I’m unelectable. And PLUS, I smoke the devils lettuce!!