For the past year, I have been crowing, “Be a One-Issue Voter” for democracy. I loved pontificating on social media, “You're not voting for a person, you're voting to save our democracy from the evil clutches of the Heritage Foundation and their 900-page manifesto, Project 2025. I would tell whoever would listen that if you’re not happy with Joe Biden, be happy with yourself. You’re voting for you. Your voting for what is in your best interests. Your vote is your voice. Pick an issue, and vote for that.
Do you know how many arguments I got into with democrats who are hell bent on being all things to all people? The concept of a being a one-issue voter was so foreign, it was a language they couldn’t understand, nor wrap their heads around. Do they not know the notion ‘keep it simple—stupid’.
I learned the hard way to stop saying “Vote for Joe” because you could sense the hesitation, in some cases anger. People dreaded the reality—and I’m quoting Carrie Fisher from Postcards From the Edge— “These are the options?” Two old codgers, a worm-brained, bear killer, and a Russian asset, Dr. Natasha Badenov Stein. I think the other nut bag, Cornel West has fallen by the wayside, but whatever. For the handful of antisemites and assorted fringe lunatics, he’s of no concern or consequence. As I see it, if you are a decent human being, you will vote for the democrat, Joe Biden.
[SIDEBAR] Four years after George Floyd, the new mantra was “DON’T say his name.”
There were those who fought me on the concept of being a one-issue voter. People arguing with me saying “You can't be a one-issue voter.” Bitch, I’m a grown up, I can do and say as I please. In solidarity with the women’s movement, I would sometimes say my one-issue was abortion rights. Gratefully, I was able to get my documentary green-lit about the Women of Protest Music which made a lot of sense for me. It’s on brand because the working title for the film is “Won't Be Silent”. I will share the information when we get final confirmation.
Then, after the tragic debate between Trump and Biden, I immediately changed my one-issue to “Freedom”, especially because it looked like our democracy was slipping through our fingers. Trying to have a conversation about democracy was pointless, people’s eyes would roll into the back of their heads. The overall mood had gotten really bleak and the desperation for change—any change—loomed large.
And, just like that…Kamala Harris enters stage left. As the song goes, “What a difference a day makes”, boy, you ain’t just Whistlin’ Dixie. It’s like Samantha from Bewitched twiddled her nose and ‘poof’. Hope and change is on the menu. And just like that, Beyoncé gave Kamala the “Freedom” to use the song for her campaign and my one-issue vote for freedom is the new mantra for this election cycle. And just like that, we have a new vibe to carry us through to the election.
So, join me in being a one-issue voter for freedom. Let’s rock and roll to keep the lying criminal out of the White House.