How dare the Re-PUKE-licans “try” to be the party to promote a Don’t Say Gay agenda when clearly, so many of them are closet cases. Especially the Bible-thumping lunatics that have infested the GOP. There isn’t a day that goes by that some Christian Nationalist/Conservative/Fundamentalist isn’t caught (quite literally) with their pants down in some kind of compromising situation with an event staffer, a random traveler at an airport trying to take a leak, or an intern eager to improve their position only not in the one that’s now been compromised.
I’m leaving Lady Graham out of this because that old bird is grandmothered into this conversation. Queen of the Hypocrites, Lindsay’s story is so out there that discussing the countless innuendos and rumors is pointless. In contrast, we can focus on the younger ones like Geroge Santos, Josh Hawleys, and the Madison Cawthorns’ of the Log Cabin Republicans. A group that should be banned in all states, if not the planet. I’ll never understand or respect those who vote against their own best interests and, in this case, their lives. So many members of their ever-shrinking party would sooner see them sent off to Guantanamo Bay.
This brings us to Florida and the heinous, dangerous Ron DeSantis, who has complicated so many lives in an effort to prove worthy of being President of the United States. His lame attempt to bring back the 1950s with his anti-trans, anti-gay and anti-literature platform will backfire. Mark my words. He might terrorize some teachers, the gay and trans community, and people of color in his lame excuse of a state, but that won’t work in the long run. And when I say run, I mean when he eagerly, desperately runs for POTUS. Ginning up the base will lead to unintended circumstances impacting him and his lunatic, fringe supporters. He might be getting mollycoddled and cheered on by his far-right Christian and Orthodox Jewish “fans,” but when he ventures beyond his small-town theocratic constituents, he will see that democracy does not welcome haters. He will be punished by not being voted in a la Donald Trump. You’ll see.
Love the content, thanks, Abe
That like a monkey not wanting banana's