This is a serious message to every registered Democrat in the United States. Joe Biden will be the nominee for President in 2024. Unless he and only he says otherwise.
We need at least 100 million votes to ensure that Joe wins again. If you are uninspired by the fact that he's old, go fuck yourself. If you think he's not cool enough because he's not Gen. Z, you can follow those other people and fuck all the way off.
Democracy is on the ballot, not any one individual. Democracy, remember that? It’s been slipping away lately from many of us. Democracy is bigger than Trump; it's bigger than DeSantis; it's bigger than Joe Biden Kamala Harris. If you are not voting for democracy, hold your fucking nose if you have to because we are voting for democracy, period. Might I remind you that Joe Biden saved the soul of America in 2020? It is our turn to keep democracy alive by voting blue—no matter who.
If you choose not to vote, you're a lowlife piece of shit. Sorry, that's the way it is. Whether you’re Gen Z, a Millenial, a much-maligned Baby Boomer, or whatever you are, if you're into living in a country based on democracy, then you're voting for Joe Biden. So buck up and get over it. Stop talking about Marianne Williamson; stop talking about Robert Kennedy, that friggen lunatic. They are GOP operatives like Dr. Jill Stein—plants from the far right. Don’t get fooled again. Prove me wrong.
We, The People, need to vote for democracy. I repeat, democracy is on the ballot, not Joe Biden or anybody else. So get that through your thick skull. And if you vote otherwise or not at all, and something happens where we don't keep our democracy, you will rue the day. You won't be able to look in the mirror and love yourself through anything ever again. Frankly, you most likely have never loved yourself if you pull that crap. But boy, will you feel pangs of guilt and waves of anxiety for the rest of your life because you’d be guilty of giving the keys to the Kingdom to those who will treat you like a serf. Self-inflicted psychological torment isn’t a good look.
Not to sound like a broken record, I repeat, DEMOCRACY IS ON THE BALLOT. Not one particular person. You're voting for democracy; to do that, you must vote for Joe Biden. So I repeat, buck up, grow up, and get over yourself. Whatever your personal psychological issues are, take them up with your therapist. And leave democracy for the rest of us.
Abe - Won’t Be Silent
Absolutely correct ! " Politics is the art of the possible ".Otto von Bismarck.
Biden - Harris is our President, and candidate. Nobody else is available, and its more then good !
The alternatives are the literal END of our freedoms & Government as we know it....alarmist?.
Listen , and BELIEVE what Republicans are saying and doing!
We have President Joe Biden, a man of vast experience ( politics is all he knows , since getting elected to the United States Senate , at age 29 , November72 - to be seated at the Constitutional age of 30 January 73 !
He served from Nixon (who graciously & sincerely called Joe Biden over the tragic death of his first wife & child in a car accident) , through Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1 , Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama's Vice President.
He served in an era of big name. distinguished Senators of both parties, who mostly acted as serious professionals .
Biden is the grown up in the room.
His record as President is EXCELLENT, considering our dystopian political era .
It would be better , without Conservative corrupt Democrats, Joe Machin & Wack Job , Kristen' Sinema's ( Hey Kirsten, the cartoon channel called and wants there wardrobe back !).sabotage.
Thats what happens without big turnout STRAIGHT Democrat voting !
Now ONLY Joe & a tenuous Democratic Majority in the US Senate stands between Republican corrupt , cruel extremism, and ruin for us ALL!
The preliminaries are YOUR locals 2023 .
VOTE , no matter how boring , and insane they seem !
Republican crazies breed at your community & state level .
Then prepare with vigor, for 24 !
Vote like its the last election, because Trump & the totalitarian modern Republicans intend it to be so !