A warm welcome to the many new subscribers here at Won’t Be Silent. I wanted to take this moment for all of us to take a deep breath as we enter an unprecedented moment of American political intrigue—and horror. We say that before every election, I know, but this one is the Godzilla vs King Kong match-up of all the elections I’ve lived through. Not that Joe Biden is a monster, but if he wants to win, he will have to fight like Kong. (Is that who we root for?)
As foot soldiers, we will have to fight like hell as well. It’s not just about saving our democracy anymore. It’s also about wanting to continue being proud of being an American. Lord knows that’s slipping away—fast and furious. If we lose in November to the Christian Nationalists, who are funding and pulling the strings of that lump-of-lard marionette, Trump, the country we have come to love—warts and all— will be lost. When we see who Stinky’s VP choice will be, we should know that the Heritage Foundation has set that in motion.
As the headline says, I enjoy having Conversations from the Edge of Democracy because, honey, that’s where we are. I have been hosting a series of these YouTube.com/wontbesilent Zoomcasts (for lack of a better term). It’s a great way to vent and sometimes helps people (and me) from going too far off the deep end. We live in a consternation nation, so if you’re up for a Zoomcast, please email me.
Exaggerating? Me? You can call me a drama queen if you must. However, the nickname Brutally Honest Abe is not for nothing. Check out my TikTok page, you’ll see. Between the MAGA crowd, the virulently antisemitic, Hamas-supporting, violent protesters, and the apathy that historically plagues voter turnout, it ain’t looking good. Yes, there is a lot of time for things to shift, but I refuse to live in LaLa Land figuratively, even though I live in LaLa Land, literally.
Being in the bluest state does not protect me from the rising tide of hate and homeless-filled streets, where one step outside our homes could conceivably be our last. Thank God I don’t go to school anymore. I can’t even imagine that layer of freaking out and uncertainty. All I worried about back then was how much I wanted to fit in and not get bullied. Talk about the good old days.
As this season unfolds, we will find candidates to support different races around the county and not obsess about Stinky and the Older Man. In closing, together, we will work through the frustration looming over us like a dark cloud and do our darndest to keep America America Again—like we did in 2020.
I read this ( attributed to Jimmy Fallon, I think): Just because you think Alfred's too old to run the bat cave doesn't mean you should replace him with the Joker. 😀