To all you Christian, closeted politicians currently working (my last nerve) overtime trying to stick the toothpaste back into the tube, read my lips, "FUCK ALL THEY WAY OFF!'“Indeed most of you (Josh Hawley, Lady Graham, we see you) have dabbled in the D on and off for decades. So who cares about dragging a gaggle of the real perverts out of the closet? The real question is, do you actually think that this will be your shining moment? Are you getting hard by trying to legislate us away? You seem to be spending an excessive amount of time thinking about us. Do you truly believe (as you do in Jesus Christ, who was bi-sexual) is a winning proposition? And when I say proposition, don’t get excited because I don’t mean it that way. I know you all have your side hustlers ready to go at the drop of a hat.
But, seriously, do you think we are a bunch of shrinking violates and will scurry back into the closet? There’s no room; besides, it’s too crowded with all you GOP politicians trying to prove how manly you are to each other. Lately, it’s gotten to the point of embarrassment for y’all because it reads as “horny for other men” to me and my friends. I mean, Tucker Carlson (in his shrill woman’s voice before she was booted off Fox No News) was promoting group classes of men exposing their butts to the sun while yearning for alpha males to join up at extreme sports events together. HONEY THAT IS GAY!
To all you evil, horny idiots trying to take away LGBTQIA+ rights, we see you. We know you. Chances are we slept with most of you throughout high school and college. For instance, were any of you horrendous straight, white men on the wrestling team? Yes, Jim Jordan, I’m talking to you. Seriously, watch any wrestling match, and tell me the meaning of the word ‘homoerotic.’ Let’s face it; if Madge the Vadge (Marjorie Taylor Greene) gets her druthers and shuts Pornhub down, you can all watch high school and college wrestling matches to get your yayas out. Or spend more time at the gym, the gayest place on Earth.
I remember watching the wrestlers as a kid at school and thinking to myself:
A) I never want to be that violent.
B) How gay are all of these people?
By the way, I was still in the closet black then. Indeed, all the grooming you are so quick to accuse us of is going down (literally) in those locker rooms. So yes, Gym Jordan, I’m STILL talking to you.
Note of caution to GOP closet cases: Keep it up, not literally, but with all your evil anti-gay machinations, and see what happens for you in the long run. Ain’t gonna be pretty. Sadly for you, all your paid tricks and hustlers will reject and hopefully shame you into submission (I know, you must love that). Only it won’t be with whips; they will punish you in other, more painful ways for taking away their rights. And you will be voted out, which will be delicious to watch.
Abe - Won’t Be Silent
Glad u like. Xo
He sure is.